Quick Portrait @ Open Studio Tour

I did a quick portrait of my sister-in-law, Alison Broderick who is moving east this Fall! She sat for me Sunday of the Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour (Septemeber 18th & 19th) and I was able to get a great likeness! Plan to come out next year and watch the process!

I'm working in scale: 1/2 life size

Alison, my daughter, Jasmine, and myself (Mardie Rees)

Evan(holding my daughter, Jasmine) & Alison Broderick, and my husband, Jeremy

Having a show is a family event - even if it is an Open Studio Tour. Jeremy and Evan took care of the coffee while Alison sat a few hours! She was an excellent model

PDX - Portland International Airport Sculpture Show

Pacific Northwest Sculptors Exhibit, on E Concourse, My Sculpture: "Truth Beloved" is on exhibit from January 5th – August 1st , 2009

A comment about the show:

Each of the 14 sculptures were interesting, providing a variety of expressions from talented local artists. I was particularly impressed with a couple of those  fashioned from metal. One was a cyclist speeding thru the night called "Portland at Midnight."I'm sure we have all seen him for real ,hell bent for leather, with hair flying in the wind,going to or from somewhere important. Wish I had this guy on my mantle.

The other sculpture catching my eye was a bust of a female African American done in black bronze called "Truth Beloved." As you examine this piece you are drawn to her eyes and compelled to bend down for a closer look. They are almost real and reflect the serene mood of the subject. I noticed a number of passengers stopping to view this particular piece and all had a closer look at the eyes.

It is nice to know so many talented northwest artists have sculptures that beg for attention ,and in some cases , have been shown around the world. Even better, we have them here at PDX.

-written by JC Hinton